Considering CCTV ?
CCTV is fast becoming a key component in home security and with police forces being so stretched and local crime to households on the increase a CCTV system could make the difference between catching an offender or not.
CCTV systems come with a multitude of features. With so much to choose from, it's hard to know which security camera is right for you.
Below are some of the important features to keep in mind when comparing home security systems .
Motion Detection
Cameras with motion detection can send you notifications when the camera observes motion within its field of view. These notifications can alert you to suspicious activity so you can monitor the situation.
Field of View
Field of view refers to how wide an angle a camera can record. This is important because it will affect how many cameras you’ll need and where you should place them.
The sound feature can refer to your camera receiving sound via a microphone, emitting sound via a speaker, or both. Cameras with both can double as intercoms.
Wi-Fi Capability
A camera with Wi-Fi can communicate with your home network wirelessly, which can be very handy for installation, and is also less susceptible to being disabled because it doesn’t have wires that could be cut.
Night Vision
The distance from which your camera can record images in low- to no-light situations can have a great impact on its effectiveness because often criminal activity can happen at night.
CCTV installation
The cost of setting up CCTV cameras around your home will vary, depending on the quantity and image quality of the cameras you are thinking of installing. While dummy cameras are available from roughly £10, they will ultimately do nothing to improve your peace of mind, particularly in an actual emergency where you may need footage of an intruder. Furthermore, adept burglars are capable of recognising fake cameras, so, by installing a dummy camera you could very well be putting a target on your home and providing the intruder with the necessary motive to attempt a break-in.
At E4S, we offer a wide range of CCTV options that will meet all your needs. Included in the price of our professionally-installed CCTV service are high definition cameras, a network video recorder and video storage capacities that can vary from 2TB to 16TB or even more depending on your needs.